The Nature of the Supervisory Relationship during Training.

Every trainee is assigned a primary supervisor upon commencement of the training program. The supervisor's task is to monitor, encourage and support the development of the trainee throughout the duration of the course especially in their work with their small group clients. During the course a different supervisor may be assigned to a trainee for specific purposes or they may continue throughout the whole program with the same one.

Course Requirements and Assessments related to Supervision.
Written and face to face supervision session requirements must be satisfied each month. It is the trainees responsibility to contact the supervisor to arrange suitable times and structures for this supervision.
When special circumstances occur that prohibit a trainee from fulfilling these requirements on time, they are responsible for promptly informing their supervisor and for making appropriate alternative arrangements. Failure to satisfy the supervision requirements will result in trainees being required to take leave of absence from the course and to immediately stop work with their practice group.
Whilst the supervisory relationship is essentially supportive and collaborative, the supervisor, in an ongoing capacity, is evaluating the trainees status, including work that is inadequate or incomplete. When points of dispute arise, a meeting will be held with the supervisor, the trainee, the training director or their recommended substitute, and if relevant and agreed upon by all parties the trainees therapist may be consulted:.

Structure and Methods of Supervision during Training.
Monthly Supervision Conferences: Trainees submit monthly written reports on their progress with their practice group and their own personal work and schedule monthly supervision conferences with their supervisor during the course of the program. Guidelines for structuring these supervision sessions are given in some of the monthly packets. These are only guidelines and trainees are encouraged to use this time in the manner that is most effective for them. Supervision time covers application of the concepts with the client group, progress and difficulties in personal work, and clarification and development of understanding of the written and taped theoretical concepts.
At the supervisor's discretion, trainees may be supervised in group or during trainer-supervised teaching sessions rather than in individual conferences. The supervisor is required to spend the same amount of total time when supervision is in a group and to provide the individual trainee with adequate opportunity for review and questions over the month's work and to receive feedback.
The monthly supervision conferences are scheduled in person when possible and convenient, or by phone, computer conference call, or DVD when trainees do not live within reasonable distance of a trainer or supervisor. The supervisor's time is included in the monthly fee, but extra expenses of phone calls or blank DVD's and recording equipment etc will be incurred by the trainee.
Written reports submitted to the supervisor before each conference include a report from the trainee on the progress of their personal work for the month (Personal Monthly Report) and a conceptual and practical progress report ( Client Progress Report) for each client. Replies to questions of general interest are often duplicated by the supervisor and made available to all appropriate trainees.

On Site Supervised Sessions
Twice during first twelve months of the course and twice during the next twelve months, the Supervisor or sometimes a trainer will visit the trainees practice to observe a 4-person group over three hours, or four individual 50-minute sessions. In addition, during one training workshop in Year One and again in Year Two, trainees will work with clients during each workshop and receive on site supervision.
Upon completion of these training workshop sessions or group, the work is evaluated by:
A written feedback report from the client

The trainees verbal assessment and evaluation of each session Fellow trainees feedback (if present) The supervisors /trainers feedback
The trainee must be prepared to pay the travel expenses of a trainer visiting their facility for on site supervised sessions, and this can often be covered by sponsorship of trainer-led public workshops. This also provides an opportunity for the trainee to assist with teaching for further experience and credit. The trainee is aided in developing skills for publicising Radix work and enrolling students in their own program's as well as the trainer's workshop.

Training Workshop Supervisions
At each of the training workshops, at least one day is devoted to trainees being directly supervised by the trainers in working with each other.
Twice during the full training program a residential workshop will be held where trainees work with individual clients provided by the Training Centre. They are supervised in this work by the trainers present using the format of the On Site supervision sessions.