The Radix training programme is a course for psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors and other allied health professionals who wish to extend their professional experience to incorporate the role of the body and emotions into psychotherapy.

By helping practitioners to greatly increase the presence and emotional depth of their work, Radix training can be a powerful adjunct for existing verbal and body work practices or can be the basis of a professional practice in its own right.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family counsellors, dance therapists, holistic health practitioners, chiropractors, and massage therapists have all found training in Radix of great value to themselves and their clients.

The training programme is also an excellent course for new graduates who wish to obtain a solid grounding in some of the essential qualities and skills underpinning any effective counselling and psychotherapy practice as well as the fundamentals and application of somatic psychotherapy.

Non professionals seeking a career change who are able to demonstrate an ability to master conceptual and technical material at a professional level of competence are also welcome to apply. Acceptance into the training programme is based on an openness to learning and self understanding rather than academic or professional qualifications.

Graduates of the programme have found that this training has increased their effectiveness as therapists and counsellors. It has enlivened and developed their practices and enhanced their personal development.